
Guidance in relation to Gathering Tools For a Host of Emergency Situations

Changing Your Emergency Supplies with the SeasonsThough it is easy to feel “done” with emergency preparation if you have assembled your kits, you will have to make some changes periodically to reflect the weather. You should examine your kits every 6 months—preferably once in the spring and once in autumn. One reason is to change out the stored clothing. During the winter, you will need there to be coats, gloves, hats, and other warm materials in your kits. In the summer, lighter clothing will be vital to prevent overheating and dehydration. If you choose, you can make some minor changes in food depending on the season. For example, you may want heavier, more sustaining foods in the winter and extra water in the summer. Sunscreen and bug spray are also really good to have in summertime. Keep bins marked “winter” and “summer” by your emergency kits, and simply switch out the contents depending on the season for an easy update. Good Ideas for Storing Your 72 Hour KitEmergency supplies should be stored in a well-thought-out area. Avoid storing your supplies anywhere that is hard to get to, since you may have little or no time to leave your home. However, since you will (hopefully) not need it often, you do not necessarily want your kits parked right at the front door. If you are willing to give up your coat closet, it can be an ideal spot for your emergency supplies: it is close to an exit and easily accessible, but the goods are out of the way. Remember that attics and basements are not good locations for your emergency kits. Often, flooding or fire may prevent you from running up and down the rc air swimmers stairs to fetch your kits. One idea that many opt to use is to store emergency supplies in a car trunk. That way, you do not even need to grab anything in an emergency—you can just run out the door. Just in case an emergency occurs when you are at work, you may want to keep a tote with food and equipment stored there as well. Emergency Preparation is Vital for EveryoneOur culture is getting quite accustomed to accessing what we want or need instantly. For example, we can look something up online if we need information, call on a cell phone to reach someone, or use 911 or Onstar if there is an emergency. However, when some situations strike, we cannot count on being instantly taken care of. When an emergency caused by nature occurs, thousands are affected—and Wholesale Air Swimmers suddenly, we do not have the communication or transportation abilities we used to have. The responsibility to take care of ourselves during such times falls squarely on our own shoulders. If everyone takes simple steps such as preparing 72 hour kits, storing adequate food and water, and developing action plans for emergencies, many lives can be saved. This preparation also helps those whose lives are not in danger feel more comfortable and have better medical care, if needed. Despite all of our societal advances, we cannot forget the importance of preparation. 6 Month Emergency Kit Check-ups: Changing Your Stored ClothingEvery spring and fall, you should examine your 72 hour kits and rotate any clothing that needs to be changed for one reason or another. First, keep in mind that children grow up and adults often change or lose weight. One of the last things you want S107 RC helicopter is for you or your children to be stuck without a change of clothes because the set in your emergency kit is too small. Second, you should make sure that the clothing hasn’t been damaged by moths or become wet due to a leak somewhere in your kit. Part of 72 hour preparation means that your stored clothing is appropriate for the weather. In the spring, most clothing in your kit should be more lightweight. In the winter, clothes should keep you warm. You should also include some wintertime necessities like jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves.

